Allentown, PA Family Session

It’s hard to believe that I am sitting here on the second day of spring, typing up a blog post during ANOTHER snowstorm…PA has gotten hit this year with a slew of snowstorms, and this is the biggest one yet. I really dislike snow, as some of you may know, but I have been enjoying the snow days I have gotten as a result. Thankfully, all of my snow days have landed on a Wednesday-which is a clinical day for me- and we do not have to make them up! Thankfully all my tests and class days have been untouched by the snow.

Even though my sisters and I ventured out into the snow last month for some fun photos, the 12+ inches of snow coaxed us to trek back out once again. Do you ever do something, and than realize that it was a terrible idea?! That is how we all felt today! Within 10 minutes, are hair was soaked, we could not feel our fingers, and our makeup was running! One of these days, I will get one of my brothers to record a “behind the scenes” look at one of our sessions.

Not going to lie, this season of life has been difficult for me. Nursing school is hard. This semester has been very difficult, and has been very demanding. As a result, I have not been able to spend very much time with my family or my friends. So praise the Lord for the gift of snowdays! Not only have I been able to sleep (which is hard to find time for in nursing school), I have been able to catch up on things, and spend time with my family. It’s hard to go out and spend time with friends when the roads are covered in snow! Hopefully, the next blog post I post will be one filled with green grass and sunshine. But for now, enjoy more snowy photos of my sisters and I!

  1. Beth Newell says:

    These are wonderful pictures! Great memories with your sisters too!

  2. […] For those of you who know me well, know I hate the cold. I am ALWAYS cold, summer or winter-except maybe when I’m going for a run and it’s 100 degrees outside. Like, I’m contemplating carrying a blanket in my purse for “emergencies”, aka when I’m always cold. So, to willingly go out into the cold without a coat on and take photos, takes a lot of self-discipline. But every time I go out in the cold, whether for a run or a photoshoot, it always ends up being worth it. Check out my other winter portrait sessions with my sisters on the blog. […]

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