Hi friends! So is it just me, or does anyone else feel like we skipped the month of August? Honestly, it still feels like July, with the constant rain and humidity. I am not ready for the cold, but I am ready for all of the exciting sessions coming up this fall! And also the […]

Happy Tuesday friends. Does anyone else feel like this summer has been monsoon season in a jungle? I honestly cannot remember another summer where we have gotten so much rain. And when it is finally not raining, it is extremely humid, making it very unpleasant to be outside. This past weekend, we got the tail […]

Happy Wednesday friends! So this past Saturday, I had the joyous opportunity of capturing senior photos of my younger sister, Hannah! For anyone who knows me, or Hannah, people refer to her as my twin. Not only do we look alike, but we have very similar personalities. I always describe Hannah as the younger version […]

The earliest I have ever woken up for a session was 2:50 AM. No joke. For those of you who know me well, you know I am not a morning person and need some convincing to wake up and function before the sun is up. About two weeks ago, I received a phone call from […]

Happy Tuesday friends! Can anyone else believe we are already almost a week into July? Time needs to slow down! Anyway, since this rain seems to be never-ending, I figured we could all use a little bit of sunshine in our lives! And what better way to do that then by sharing a blog post?! […]

Happy Wednesday friends! How are we halfway through June already? I feel like it is still March, am I right? Last month, I had the wonderful opportunity to do family photos for this wonderful family! The Mitchell family recently moved back to NY from CT. We connected with them through Mackenzie’s brother, who is another […]

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of doing family photos for the Walker family! Eric and I have had the pleasure of getting to know them through church. Their whole family has been involved the past few years, when their kids aren’t at a baseball game or gymnastic event. Last fall, Sue had reached […]

Back when I was in college and living in PA, I served in the young toddler nursery at my church. I always loved doing this as it gave me my fill of kids for a short period of time! I also enjoyed it for the people I got to know who served alongside me. Sharon […]

Happy Sunday friends! So last Sunday, I had the pleasure of doing engagement photos for Cate and Phil at Washington Park! A few months ago, I made the transition from Stepdown ICU to the Elective Orthopedic unit at Albany Medical Center. At that time Cate, who is a Physical Therapist, was working on the Elective […]

This past Saturday, I had the pleasure of doing family/graduation photos of Nada and her beautiful family! Nada had reached out a few weeks prior stating she was going to be graduating. She wanted to do a combination of graduation and family photos, and let me tell you, that is a dynamite combination! Nada and […]

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© 2025 Liz Diewald Photography LLC
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Located in Hudson Valley, NY

Hudson Valley Wedding photographer creating natural and timeless photos for clients who want an unforgettable experience.