Allentown Portrait Session

Hello friends! I can’t believe we are already a week into the month of March. Anyone else feel like February flew by? Just in case you haven’t been up to date on what’s been happening in my life, I am 36 days away from graduating St. Luke’s School of Nursing. The past month, I have been doing my preceptorship-which is kind of like an internship-in the Intensive Care Unit. I have been loving it, and learning so much. One thing I have been reminded of in the ICU, is that life is short. You never know when your time will come, so make the most of this short life!

Another thing I have been learning is true exhaustion. Throughout nursing school, I have felt exhausted. But the exhaustion I have felt this past month is way more than I ever thought I would experience. Thank the Lord for days off and the power of caffeine.

One of the biggest blessings of nursing school has been going through it with Gretchen by my side. Gretchen and I were friends prior to nursing school, but now we are pretty much inseparable. God knew I would need her to get through school! This kick-butt girl is doing her preceptorship in the Emergency Department, and is going to be an amazing ED nurse very soon! She is also an extremely talented photographer so go check out Gretchen Hope Photography!  Also, in 5 months, she is going to become Mrs. Trumble. I am so excited to stand by the side of another one of my best friends as she makes one of the most important decisions of her life!

Back in January, we decided to take a break from the grind of studying, and take some updated head-shots of each other. Despite the cold and wind, we had a great time and it was worth it. Since we are both behind the camera most of the time, it was fun to be in front of it, and to have some awesome photos to show for it. Stay tuned for graduation photos and more exciting life updates!


  1. Beth Newell says:

    You girls are so amazing & beautiful! What a special friendship you have! It will last a lifetime no matter where you might end up – separation can’t end a friendship like this. I am so proud of you both & know you will be awesome nurses! Love you!

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