Alburtis, PA Maternity Session


For Josh and Abby, many years ago when they first met, it was not love at first sight. “I thought he was dull and boring”, stated Abby when reflecting on when she first met her husband. Thankfully, that did not stop Josh from pursuing Abby! On a cold March day, when the crispy ground was covered in more than a foot of snow, these two love birds said “I do!”

3 years later, they are now expecting a very active baby boy!! But it has not always been sunshine and roses for the soon-to-be parents. The Lord answered their very fervent prayers for children not long after they were married. But He also chose to take two away from them. I have never known the heartache of losing a child, but I know that Josh and Abby both have that heartache. But thanks be to God, in less than two months, there will be a baby Rice in this world!

As a soon-to-be aunt, I of course insisted upon taking maternity photos! Here are a few that I just had to share with y’all!

This was definitely one of the most fun shoots I have ever had! I have truly worked hard and invested a lot into my photography education this year. Getting to try different poses and commands with this couple, sure was an adventure! Josh took everything I said very literally, which was a fun challenge! “If it feels weird, it looks great”, is one thing I have learned from my photography class. Josh caught on real quick. “It feels weird, so it must look great,” Josh stated while peeking around the wall at his glowing bride.
“People keep saying I have the pregnancy glow…I’m not sure what that even is!”-Abby. Well Abby, I may not know exactly what it is either, but you sure have it! I may be a little partial, but Abby is one of the cutest pregnant momma that I have ever seen! Stay tuned in August! Once this little peanut is born, there will be lots of photos being taken by this proud aunt! Message me to book your session today!

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