Lehigh Parkway Engagement Session


A beautiful, gentle, kind woman walked into a Cru bible study in the southern state of Alabama one warm Wednesday evening. Always excited to meet new people, Tori found herself chatting away with lots of friendly faces. But upon returning to her seat, she found out it had been taken by a nerdy looking guy who talked a lot about superheroes..the rest is history…

Tori and Juan met at a Cru bible study last summer, and it has been one exciting ride since then! Not long after Juan took her seat at bible, study, he began to fall for her. “I don’t think I like him, although I think he is into me,” is somewhat how our conversation went later on that week over the phone.

Not long after that, the two love birds started dating! Even though Tori moved back to PA to finish school, that did not stop the two of them from investing time into their relationship. Hours upon hours, they spent on facetime and the telephone. Hundreds of words written onto parchment that was mailed hundreds of miles. People who believe that long distance relationships never work, clearly have not met Tori and Juan!

December 25, Juan popped the question and she said yes! The spring semester, they managed to see each other multiple times, plan a wedding, and both graduate, despite the fact that they were once again hundreds of miles apart! Now we are exactly one month away from their big day!

So proud for how these two put up with the heat and humidity of a warm May day to take their engagement photos! Better late than never! Love them both so much, and excited to see how God uses them once they are married!


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