Highlights of 2018

Well friends, it’s that time of year. New Year’s Eve. Another end to another year. When I reflect back on 2018, the word that comes to my mind is blessed. Throughout my whole life, I have felt very blessed. But this year, I have felt the most blessed. Maybe it’s because as I get older, I appreciate more. Or maybe since I’ve been working in the hospital for the past year and a half, I truly see how blessed I have been. Whatever the reason, 2018 has been filled with SO many blessings! I survived a year of nursing school, found out I’m getting a niece, gained a sister-in-law, had many beach days, drank so much coffee, went on some unforgettable hikes, survived getting my wisdom teeth removed, had the opportunity to travel, met some incredible people, ran my personal best half marathon in April, had my whole family home for Christmas, my Grandma survived two devastating strokes, had precious time with family from out of town, and grew even closer to the Lord!

And those are just some of the many blessings that occurred in my personal life! For my business, 2018 has been a thriving year! Not going to lie, it is tough to try to run a business while being a full-time nursing student, and also working part-time at the hospital. But I am grateful to the Lord for all the amazing sessions this year! I shot some of the most magical weddings ever, shot portrait sessions in all types of weather, and got to meet some precious families. Thank you to all the amazing people that have made 2018 one of the best years for my photography business!

Not sure how many of you like to make a list of your resolutions every new year. Although I like to come up with new goals each year, my core goal of my photography hasn’t changed. My goal with this business is to serve and love people well while capturing photos of memories that will last a lifetime! I hope to continue to grow and learn things in my business, but I never want to forget my WHY behind my business. Here are just a few of my favorites from this past year! Thank you to all my AMAZING clients for making 2018 an unforgettable year. Bring it on 2019!


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