Atlantic City, NJ Portrait Session


Open blue skies, the squawking of seagulls, the warm salty air light on your skin, and the sun melting the peanut butter chocolate ice cream in your cone. These are just a few of my favorite familiar things about the beach! I LOVE THE BEACH! I love it enough that I may move there one day! But for right now, I will settle for countless beach trips, filled with many adventures!


Not going to lie, this year has been crazy busy for me! Sadly, photographer is not my first job in life. Nursing student, Medical Assistant, young life leader, and big sister usually take priority above photography! And I would not want it any other way (although there are days where I just dream of taking photos without any other care in the world!

But despite the craziness of life, the Lord has blessed me with amazing friends and wonderful opportunities to go on many adventures! My most recent adventure was with my dear friend Kate, at Atlantic City, New Jersey.


Anyone who is friends with me, knows that I am crazy about photos! I currently have 5,000+ photos on my phone alone! I won’t even tell you have many I have on my camera and portable hard-drive!

Here are a few photos of my dear friend Kate. Even though I love majestic sunsets, I was okay with the creamy, dreamy fog and the cool ocean air. Stay tuned for more sneak peaks and blog posts!


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