Best of 2019

Hey friends! Hope you are well! So, I had every intention of starting off 2020 getting back into the rhythm of posting blog posts, especially since it’s been almost a year since my last one. But life got ahead of me. In the past year, I went from working night-shift, to planning a wedding long-distance in less than 4 months, to getting married, to moving to NY, to starting a new job, and navigating a new life of being a pastor’s wife. Whew! Amidst all of the craziness and business, this season has been filled with tons of blessings. But needless to say, my first year of being a registered nurse has caused me to put my passion for photography and business on the back-burner.

But, now we are all in this unique season of life of social distancing and staying home. If you told me a year ago, that my first year of marriage and as a nurse would be spent navigating through a national pandemic, I would not have believed you. But here we are. I am not sure if I am the only one, but some days I wake up uncertain of what God is doing in the midst of all of this, and other days I wake up filled with peace that God knows what He’s doing. As much as I am looking forward to being on the other side of this, I do not want to miss the opportunities or the blessings God has in store in the midst of this season.

Since I am sure many of you are spending way more time at home than you are used to, I thought this would be a good time to get back on board with regular blog posts. Since I did not share much on the blog the past 10 months, I thought my first post back should be some of my favorites from 2019. I had the amazing opportunity in 2019 to shoot several family sessions, engagement sessions, maternity sessions, and a beautiful fall wedding. Hope you enjoy some of my favorite shots from these sessions. Stay safe everyone, and stay tuned for more upcoming blog posts!



Thanks for such a great year friends! Stay tuned for more exciting content to come!

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