Allentown, PA Portrait Session

Last night, my two younger sisters, 14 and 12, decided they would venture out into the heat to capture some “just for fun” photos. Had they known it was a real feel of 105 degrees and the mosquitoes were vicious, I think they may have re-thought my request. But once again, they trusted their big sister to have a great time! (Most of my ideas always result in lots of fun! But not all of them come without a price.)

During this season of nursing school, there have been a lot of sacrifices. One of these sacrifices has been sacrificing spending time with my family. Even though I live with them, spending quality time with my family does not happen as often as I wish it would. But thankfully, a photo-shoot and a movie night, is my sisters’ idea of a night well-spent!

Hannah, age 14, is an extroverted, spunky girl who seems to be good at everything. She takes a lot after me-total beach babe, already loves coffee, and is interested in being a nurse when she grows up. She also is extremely tall for her age, and may actually be taller than me one day!

Sarah, age 12, is small but mighty. Even though she thinks she may never be tall like her older siblings, she does not let that be a hindrance in being heard. Sarah resembles my oldest brother a lot, and has an incredible memory. Next Albert Einstein perhaps?

Here are just a few of my favorite photos we took last night. Despite having 20 itchy bug bites today, it was totally worth it for these photos! Also, can’t believe that we are a week into August already. If you are interested in booking a session in the next two months, contact me ASAP! My calendar is filling up extremely fast. Anyway, happy Tuesday, and stay cool everyone!


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