Sandy Hook, NJ Portrait Session

Happy 4th of July everyone! It’s hard to believe we are already in July! Just when I think the days can’t go by faster they do. So I’ve been a little MIA lately, especially here on the blog, so I thought I would share a little that has been going on in my life. Also wanted to share some awesome photos my friend Gretchen and I spontaneously took of each other at the beach a few weeks ago-hey that’s what best friends who are photographers do right?!

So for those of you who may not know, I am currently more than halfway through nursing school. Crazy to think that  Lord-willing, next July I will be a registered nurse! My friend Gretchen is also in nursing school with me, which has been a huge blessing! Currently, I am taking a course called Geriatrics, which focuses on the care of the older adult. Previously, I took a class all about mental health, which I actually enjoyed more than I thought. In addition to nursing school, I work as an aid at the hospital. This has been a wonderful blessing to do alongside nursing school. My co-workers are awesome, and I am gaining so much knowledge and experience by being immersed in the hospital culture.

In addition, I have been trying to work on this photography business-which sadly has gotten temporarily put on the back burner because of school. Just last week, my oldest brother got married. It was a beautiful day of celebrating the gift of marriage, and watching two people make a covenant before God and man. Even though I was not the photographer for this wedding-I got to be a bridesmaid!-I had a wonderful time with family and friends.

Honestly though, aside from the wedding, the month of June was rough. My Grandma, shockingly suffered two strokes, the latter which was pretty severe and has left her with multiple deficits. I work on a neruology floor, so I take care of a lot of people who have suffered strokes. But it is a whole different ball game when it is someone near and dear to your heart that suffers a stroke. Praise the Lord, she is getting the care she needs, and even though we do not understand why He has allowed this to happen, we are choosing to trust in our ever faithful God!

So that is a brief update on my life! Having an exam every week, makes it tough to do anything other than study. But I have a few exciting sessions coming up, and a wedding in September that I know is going to be beautiful! Stay tuned for more blog posts, but for now, enjoy these few photos Gretchen and I took of each other at Sandy Hook, NJ a few weeks ago.


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