Sprit-filled. God-honoring. Hot. If I had to describe Haleigh and Luis’ wedding day in just a few short words, those are what I would choose. If you read my blog post a few weeks ago, you would know that I traveled to Missouri. You would also know that I shot engagement photos for Haleigh and […]

The air was cool. The wind was blowing. It was time for the first look. Angela hiked up her 7-layer wedding dress, and made her way towards her dad. This was a moment I wish I could have frozen in time. Ed sighed and took a long deep breath in. He was ready to see […]

Rain pounded against my car. My windshield wipers traveled at high speed. Highway traffic moving at a measly pace of 20 mph. Filled with frustration, I voice texted Jeni that we would have to reschedule for the second time. Like many times before, I was traveling on I-287 through New Jersey, on my way to […]

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© 2025 Liz Diewald Photography LLC
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Located in Hudson Valley, NY

Hudson Valley Wedding photographer creating natural and timeless photos for clients who want an unforgettable experience.