It was the year 2011. I was fifteen years old. As a fifteen year old, what did I aspire to spend my summers doing? Work at a summer camp, of course!
Growing up in Allentown, PA, we were not far from Zionsville, PA where Victory Valley Camp is located. I had gone there a few times as a kid, and actually did not enjoy my time. Every time I was there, I wanted to be in charge and be on staff (I’m definitely not assertive or controlling).
So when I turned 15, I was finally allowed to be on staff at camp! From 2011-2013, I worked during the summers, doing a variety of tasks. Most of my time was spent as the camp lifeguard or the camp photographer, but I also was able to work in horsemanship, day camp, assistant cook (not sure who thought that was a good idea), and counselor assistant. Some of my favorite memories are from working at camp. Even after I had to spend my summers working a “real job”, I would return to camp throughout the year to help with retreats and service projects. I even had the opportunity to be camp nurse for half a week, after I graduated nursing school!
Why am I spending this blog post talking about my camp experience? Because at Victory Valley, I had the opportunity to meet some AMAZING people, some of who are still my best friends today. One friend who I met was Casey. Casey typically worked in horsemanship, so we had the opportunity to work together. One of my favorite memories is having a sleep over in the tack shop! My sore back and avoiding the mice make it hard to forget that experience.
Fast forward many years, and now Casey lives in South Dakota with her fiance Josh! Their most recent adventure has been fixing up and traveling in their Skoolie, which they named Venture! When Casey realized she has family not far from where I live in NY, she decided to schedule Engagement Photos in Upstate, NY!
Josh and Casey, it was SO fun getting to hang out with you for your engagement photos! I am so excited for you two to tie the knot in September 2023! Happy wedding planning, and enjoy traveling the world in Venture!

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