Hi friends! So is it just me, or does anyone else feel like we skipped the month of August? Honestly, it still feels like July, with the constant rain and humidity. I am not ready for the cold, but I am ready for all of the exciting sessions coming up this fall! And also the pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks. Anyway, this past week, Eric and I had the opportunity to host my friend Tori, along with her husband Juan and their four month-old son Theo. I have known Tori since we were in elementary school! We were roommates during some of our college years, and we were bridesmaids in each other’s weddings. I had the privilege of being along for the ride of Tori and Juan meeting, falling in love, getting married, and having their first child!
Tori and Juan live in Huntsville, Alabama. Every year, Tori’s family comes to upstate NY for vacation. But thanks to COVID, this is the first year they have been in upstate NY at the same time as Eric and I. So when she texted me to ask if they could stay with us for a few days, I was excited to realize the possibility could become a reality! So for a few days, we chatted, we shopped, and Eric and I spent lots of time snuggling Theo! I have seen a lot of cute babies, but never have I seen a baby have such a wide variety of facial expressions! As evidenced by the photos below, Theo does not make the same facial expression twice! Although I will say, his favorites are smiling or giving you the stink eye.
But like any photo session, there is instagram and then there is reality. We arrived at Central Park, and realized that the light was fading fast. On top of it, Theo decided to shower his daddy with his spit up even before the session began! Poor Juan was such a good sport. Anyway, taking photos with a four-month old is always challenging, so I am excited for how the final products turned out!
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